Friday, January 23, 2015

Scrub-A-Dub-Dub...Safe Baby Soap in the Tub :)

Let's talk about what type of baby soap and shampoo is the safest to use. We know that baby skin is more sensitive and delicate, but did you know that baby skin is more porous than adult skin, and therefore less protective, allowing for the absorption of chemicals into the baby's system (this article explains a little)? This is exactly why using the safest, least toxic baby soap and shampoo is so important. 


When I registered for my baby shower, I added a few different types of Johnson & Johnson baby soaps to my registry, and even received some extra in gift baskets. Their products are arguably the most popular, familiar and unfortunately, most trusted baby soap out there. What most people don't know, as I didn't until I took a look at the ingredient label and did some research, is that their soap contains some very harmful ingredients. Now, they have gotten better, but it's still not good enough. This is where I recommend again you head over to Gimme the Good Stuff for an explanation of the danger of these ingredients (they mess with hormones, are linked to cancer, etc...). 

What I found most shocking, is that one of the ingredients they use in many of their products, is called Quaternium-15. This is a preservative that releases formaldehyde! Seriously? And I actually used this on my baby's skin? I don't know about you, but this sickens me. 

I think I only used Johnson & Johnson's original baby soap/shampoo once, and I haven't touched them since, only to analyze the ingredient list. I took these pictures myself, to show you that this scary ingredient is listed right on the back of the bottle (Quaternium-15), this is their original baby soap and baby shampoo (if you click on the picture, it will enlarge a bit so you can see the ingredients...lots of bad stuff!). 

Thankfully, there are lots of safe, non-toxic and easily accessible baby soap and shampoo out there! Of course, I buy whatever deal I can get on Amazon, but there are a few extremely safe baby soaps that I've been using ever since that first formaldehyde bath (I realize I'm being a bit dramatic, but come on, you agree right?). 

The first one I tried and still use is called Lafes Baby Shampoo and Gentle Wash. This is a foam wash, which suds enough for me to feel like I'm washing Luke well enough, though it doesn't really lather, and I do use several pumps for each bath. It has a fresh, clean smell, and I have been very happy with it. This is a 12 oz pump bottle, on their website for $10.99. Now you have to pay $6-8 in shipping, but after I think $30 shipping is free. I get mine on Amazon, for around the same price, sometimes a little less, but usually $9-11 (with free prime shipping of course). So this comes out to about $0.92/oz, but because this is a foaming soap, it lasts forever. I honestly think I used it every other day for 4-5 months. Another plus, this company donates 1% of its profits to breast cancer research :) 

The second baby soap I've tried and have been using now for a little while, is Babo Botanicals Moisturizing Baby Shampoo and Wash.  This soap smells fantastic, and suds and lathers really well. I can wash Luke with two little squirts. You can get this on Amazon right now for around $10-11 (with free prime shipping), so an 8 oz bottle comes to about $1.38/oz, but it's not a foam, so it won't last quite as long. So you won't get quite as much for your buck, but if you want something that feels more like a sudsy baby wash, this is it. On their website, the 8 oz bottle runs $14, so Amazon is definitely the way to go. 

California Baby Products are all great and very safe, and they are available all over the place, but some of them can be a bit pricier. However, I've also found decent deals at Target or Amazon. The Calming Shampoo & Bodywash on the California Baby website runs $11.49 for an 8.5 oz, which gets you $1.35/oz (which is actually less than the Babo Botanicals), and on Amazon, I found the Calendula Shampoo & Bodywash for $21.49 for a 19 oz container, which is only $1.13/oz, which isn't too bad. You will have to pay shipping on the California Baby unless you spend $75 or more. 

The last baby wash I sometimes use, and feel safe about using, is The Honest Company's Shampoo & Body Wash. It smells great and lathers nicely. You can purchase them straight from their website (either individually or in a bundle--which is what I do, since I use several other of their products), or now you can get their products at Target! The 8.5 oz bottle runs $9.95 which is $1.17/oz, so it's right in line with the other brands. 

Again, Amazon's prices fluctuate, so I throw lots of things in my cart, and check it frequently, and when I see that it drops in price, I'll get it then, so you may even be able to get some of this stuff cheaper. 

Babo Botanicals, California Baby and The Honest Company all have safe bubble bath too. Bathtime should be a safe and happy part of your routine, and using these products gives me the peace of mind that chemicals aren't being absorbed into my baby's body, but still give me the fresh, clean and yummy baby smell :). 


                                                  With Love,


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